Painter and Draughtsman currently studying Fine Art at the University of Brighton

Sunday 31 October 2010

Foundation Workings

Here's some early work that I completed in my Foundation Diploma at Maidstone UCA. I was very interested in mechanical objects at the time and got these car parts from a local scrap yard. I used the oil, grease and general "gunk" from within these objects to aid my charcoal still life drawings of them. In some cases I experimented with combining these materials with others like acrylic paint or the bronze substance in the picture immediately below which I found whilst rummaging through my dad's garage.

Friday 15 October 2010

Summer Work

I work at an engineering company when not at University, as a result I have had the chance to become accustomed to using the program AutoCAD that all engineering drawings are completed on. Aside from all the 2D working drawings I produce I have also created a number of jobs in 3D using the same program. The images below are from a job completed by a friend and myself as a proposal to the client. The building will soon be under construction and is to become a wedding venue.   

Life Drawing III

Sunday 10 October 2010

Life Drawing I

Here is the first selection of life drawings that I have amassed over the last three years. They're a bit grubby but still in a reasonable state considering they'd been discarded under my bed for such a long time...